

If your energy company is like thousands of others across the nation, then your customers don't understand their energy use very well. In fact, most of them probably don't even know what a kilowatt hour or decatherm is. However, a large percentage of your customers can, off the top of their head, estimate the gas mileage in their cars and identify with relative accuracy how that gas mileage fits into the spectrum of cars on the road. The Enerlyte nGAUGE program is fundamentally designed to bring an MPG like understanding to household energy use. Enerlyte does this by taking your raw meter reading information (monthly or AMI) and combining that with other valuable pieces of data to create meaningful statistics and benchmarks that your customers understand.

Enerlyte creates graphs and charts that can be displayed on your customers' utility bills or in separate documents. The graphs and charts are informative and attention grabbing. They are accompanied by highly customized energy-saving advice. Each household in your service area will receive the most statistically relevant tips based on all the known factors about their situation.

In addition, the Enerlyte system allows individuals to select how information is given to them. Because not all customers respond positively to the same messages, the Enerlyte system allows your customers to be engaged in the way they choose. Here are some of the options that your customers will be able to choose from:
  • Neighborhood Comparison
  • Personal Energy History
  • Comparison to Statistical Benchmarks
  • Personal Use vs. Established Goals (goals set in online portal)
  • Challenge Group (a group of households inside your service area group together to have an energy saving competition)

Have you installed or are you thinking of installing new AMI meters? Do you have a customer engagement system to help all that extra data come alive for your customers? Meter readings are a foreign language for most of your customers. More noise doesn't help people learn. Translate that noise into meaningful information with Enerlyte. Click here to learn more.

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